Life can be difficult after you have become disabled. If you are unable to perform your job duties because of it, you can no longer pay your bills. This situation is exactly what the federal program Social Security Disability Insurance or SSDI was created to address. Every American worker contributes to this program during his or her working years. Therefore, you are entitled to receive it now that it is impossible for you to earn a living.
Social Security Disability in Lancaster, PA
You can apply for SSDI in Lancaster under very specific circumstances. If you are at least 27 years old, you must have a minimum of one and one-half years of work experience on your resume. If you are 28 or older, your eligibility will be calculated differently because the requirements increase as you grow older. For example, if you are 42 years old, you will not qualify for benefits if you have not worked for at least five years.
Your work experience must be recent for you to meet the eligibility requirements. This means that most people need to have worked five years out of the previous 10. Exceptions to this rule include those who became permanently disabled at a young age.
In some instances, you are eligible for benefits if your main breadwinner is the one who is disabled. This includes the disabled individual’s spouse and children. You may be qualified for SSDI if you are 62 years old. You may also apply if you have the primary responsibility of taking care of a minor child.
Proof of Disability
You must be able to prove that you are suffering from a disability that prevents you from working to receive SSDI. To this end, your licensed physician will need to provide the Social Security Administration with pertinent information, such as the date that you were determined to be disabled and an outline of the treatment you are receiving for your issues.
Getting Help from an Attorney
In Pennsylvania, residents must send one application to the Social Security Administration and one to the Pennsylvania Disability Determination Services. The best plan is to hire an attorney in the beginning so that you can be assured that your application will be completed correctly the first time.
You are not earning a salary, and you are having difficulties making ends meet right now. You cannot afford to wait for the appeals process to be completed because this can take several months. An attorney is someone who understands SSDI applications and can ensure that you do not omit any necessary information. If you have dependents to support, your attorney can add their names to your application so that their care can be taken into consideration when the Social Security Administration determines how much money you will be entitled to receive.
Your attorney will remain in close contact with your doctor in order to prove that you are disabled. Your attorney will help you gather relevant medical records and will file the paperwork in a timely manner so that this process can move forward as quickly as possible. Any time that you have a question, you will have someone to contact for an answer. Most importantly, you will have someone by your side that will work for you with only your best interests in mind.
Hear from Our Clients in Lancaster
[quote_simple author=”Michael from Lancaster”]“I did not realize what back benefits I was even entitled to get because I had been on and off work over a one year time period. I am so glad I called.”[/quote_simple]
Michael was a machine operator in a food production plant. He had planned to work until age 62 but when the plant was sold to a new owner he was let go while on medical leave. Michael figured he would struggle along until age 62 and then file for early retirement. The Ruth Kolb Law Office explained how this move would cost him thousands of dollars each year. Michael worked with Ruth Kolb Law Office to file a strong application and within five months was approved. Not only did Michael receive higher benefits for the rest of his life, but the lump sum benefits were a big help to his family.
Our Services
Help Applying for SSDI
Help Appealing a SSDI Denial