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Shiloh, PA SSDI

People who struggle with a disability often find that they can no longer work due to symptoms and complications of their condition. When a disabled individual is no longer earning an income, medical bills start to accumulate. Basic necessities like housing, utilities and food may no longer be within financial reach. Fortunately, the government offers social security disability insurance (SSDI) benefits to those who qualify.

What is SSDI?

SSDI is an insurance program that is available to people who suffer from a disability that makes it impossible for them to work. Everyone who works in the United States pays into the insurance program through paycheck deductions. After an employer withholds SSDI payments from a check, the money is then sent to the federal government. SSDI benefits are intended to be paid out to people who suffer from a disability that is expected to last at least one year. Applicants must have worked in the past, and the exact amount of work history that will be required of an applicant depends upon the individual’s age at the time of the application and the date of disability.

Many people who qualify for SSDI benefits hesitate to apply due to the belief that disability benefits are a type of handout. However, it is important to remember that SSDI is funded by the same people who apply for benefits in the instance that they become disabled. SSDI is not a charitable donation; it is an insurance program that is earned and should be utilized when needed.

Social Security Disability in Shiloh, PA

People who are applying for SSDI benefits in Shiloh will need to send in a detailed application to both the Pennsylvania Disability Determination Services and the Social Security Administration (SSA). Each organization has its own set of requirements, and the paperwork for these organizations differs. However, both offices request basic information including the date of disability, age, work history, current address and treatment options that have been attempted in relation to the disability. The primary source of evidence that a disability exists is medical records. Both offices use medical records to determine eligibility, so it is essential for applicants to gather this information from licensed medical providers.

Over half of first-time applications are denied, and many of these denials relate to valid claims that lack adequate evidence. A response generally takes at least six months, and appealing a denial can take just as long. Applicants may end up waiting a year or longer to receive the benefits that they need. To avoid the possibility of being denied benefits when a claim is valid, it is recommended that applicants in Shiloh consult with an SSDI attorney before beginning the application process.

Getting Help from an Attorney

Going through the process of applying for SSDI benefits requires the applicant to be knowledgeable about the expectations of the SSA. Failing to provide proof of disability may lead to a denial of much-needed benefits, and the appeals process is long and frustrating. Instead of going through the SSDI application process alone, applicants have the option to hire an experienced SSDI attorney. These legal professionals have dealt with the SSA in the past, so they know what to expect and how to improve their clients’ chances of being approved.

SSDI attorneys work closely with clients to help them fill out paperwork and gather the documents needed to prove that a disability exists. If applicants are confused about any part of the process, a legal representative is able to answer questions and get applicants back on the right track. Hiring an SSDI lawyer takes much of the burdening of applying for benefits off of the shoulders of applicants who just want to be able to make ends meet.

Our Services

Help Applying for SSDI
Help Appealing a SSDI Denial