People who suffer from a disability may be eligible to collect social security disability insurance (SSDI) benefits if they have worked in the past. While many people assume that SSDI benefits are only available to people who have a physical ailment that limits the ability of a sufferer to complete job tasks, conditions that negatively affect the mental or emotional health of an individual may also qualify a person for benefits.
What Are Adjustment Disorders?
Adjustment disorders are a type of disability that makes it difficult or impossible for a person to cope with a situation after they have been exposed to a trigger. People who encounter a trigger situation at work may be unable to spend any significant amount of time in the workplace due to their disability.
There are many causes for adjustment disorders. A significant life event like the loss of a loved one or the failure of a marriage may make it impossible for a sufferer to cope with their environment. Ongoing issues like financial struggles or conflict in a close relationship can also cause a person to develop an adjustment disorder.
People who suffer from an adjustment disorder report feelings of hopelessness. Symptoms of depression including crying and thoughts of suicide are common in people who have an adjustment disorder. It is estimated that one in every five suicides that occur in the United States each year can be linked to adjustment disorders.
Can You Get SSDI For Adjustment Disorders?
It is possible for a person who suffers from an adjustment disorder to be approved for SSDI benefits, but there are certain requirements that must be met in order for approval to be granted. The Social Security Administration (SSA) maintains listings of recognized disabilities. While adjustment disorders are not listed, related disorders like anxiety and depression are included. People who have symptoms of an adjustment disorder while suffering from one of these recognized disorders are more likely to be approved for benefits.
Severe symptoms that limit a person’s ability to function in a professional capacity must be present. These symptoms include chronic fatigue, difficulty sleeping, extreme fluctuations in weight, difficulty concentrating, loss of interest in activities that were previously enjoyed by the sufferer and thoughts of suicide. The applicant must experience at least four of these symptoms for 12 or more months.
The SSA evaluates an application by reviewing the medical records that accompany it. These records serve as evidence of the presence of a disability, so it is important for applicants to seek medical advice when they are feeling any of the symptoms of an adjustment disorder. People who have adjustment disorders or any other disability related to mental health should make regular appointments with a licensed therapist. This helps to ensure that accurate records are being compiled by a medical professional.
Getting Help From an Attorney
Dealing with the SSDI benefit application process can be confusing and overwhelming. Many people feel alone and scared when they are waiting to hear whether the SSA will grant them the benefits they need to pay for necessities like housing and food. The fact that approximately 70 percent of applications are denied can cause even greater anxiety.
The best way for applicants to boost their chances of being approved for SSDI benefits is to consult with an experienced attorneys. Legal representatives who focus on SSDI cases have the knowledge needed to navigate through the complicated requirements set forth by the SSA. An initial consultation can help applicants gain the peace of mind that they need when they are trying to obtain the benefits that they need to support themselves and their families. I have ten years of experience in social security cases and appeals, and am ready to fight for your benefits. Contact me today to get started on your case.