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People who suffer from a disabling condition that causes severe symptoms may be unable to work. When ongoing medical treatment is needed for the condition, medical bills may pile up. An inability to earn an income due to disability may make it impossible for a person to pay for basic necessities like housing and food. Social security disability insurance (SSDI) benefits are designed to help.

SSDI is an insurance program that pays out when a person is expected to be disabled for at least 12 months. The program is funded through paycheck deductions, and qualified individuals must have worked in the past. Funds are managed and paid out by the federal government.

What is Epstein-Barr?

Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is a common condition that most people have been exposed to within their lifetime. It is considered to be a part of the herpes family, and most people who are exposed to EBV fully recover from the virus within one or two months. However, the virus will continue to lie dormant in the body. People who have had EBV are able to spread it to others.

Common symptoms of EBV include fever, swollen glands and pharyngitis. While it is uncommon for people who have had EBV to develop long-term complications, it is possible. Long-term complications include chronic fatigue, difficulty concentrating and pain in the joints.

Getting Disability for Epstein-Barr

The difficulty in qualifying for SSDI benefits with EBV is that the virus is generally not expected to produce long-term symptoms and complications. People who have suffered from EBV for less than a year are unlikely to qualify for benefits. However, it is possible for these individuals to qualify if a medical professional attests that long-term complications are likely.

These complications must be severe enough to make it impossible for the applicant to work in any position for which he or she qualifies. The Social Security Administration (SSA) will examine work history to determine whether the applicant could switch to a different job in order to alleviate the impact that complications of EBV have on the individual’s ability to complete job tasks.

It is essential for applicants to provide detailed medical records to prove that a disability exists. Date of diagnosis will be used to determine when a person became eligible for SSDI benefits. In the case of EBV, this date will also be used to determine whether the condition is a long-term one. People who suffer from long-term complications of EBV should seek medical attention on a routine basis to ensure that a thorough record of the nature and severity of these complications is available for the purpose of proving that a disability exists.

Getting Help from an Attorney

Applying for SSDI benefits is a confusing process that can be difficult for a person to complete without assistance. Many first-time applications are denied due to a failure to provide adequate medical evidence. The best way to ensure that an application is completed correctly from the start is to hire an SSDI attorney. These legal professionals are knowledgeable when it comes to the expectations of the SSA and are able to guide clients through the application process. Having an advocate when applying for SSDI benefits is essential. The first step to a smoother SSDI application process is to schedule a consultation with an experienced SSDI attorney. I have ten years of experience in social security cases and appeals, and am ready to fight for your benefits. Contact me today to get started on your case.