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Arteriovenous Malformation

Living with a disability can severely reduce quality of life. Many people who suffer from a long-term disability find that they are no longer able to work due to complications of the condition. When a person who has worked in the past can no longer complete job tasks because of a disabling condition, social security disability insurance (SSDI) benefits can help pay for basic necessities.

SSDI is an insurance program managed by the federal government and funded through paycheck deductions. In order to qualify for benefits, the applicant must have worked a minimum amount in the past based on the age of the disabled individual. SSDI benefits are earned over time, so qualified individuals should not hesitate to apply.


What is Arteriovenous Malformation?

Arteriovenous malformation (AVM) occurs when a malformed group of blood vessels in the body intertwines in a way that interferes with health blood flow. If a person with AVM is cut in the area of a vein or artery located near the malformation, the wound will bleed excessively due to the pressure of the intertwined vessels.

While an AVM can be located anywhere in the body, these malformations are most likely to occur in the brain. Babies may develop an AVM while in the womb. While there is no genetic factor that makes a person predisposed to the malformation, females are more likely to develop an AVM.

Many people who suffer from the condition are unaware that it is present due to a lack of symptoms. Symptoms also tend to resolve by the time a person reaches age 50, so it is possible for a person with AVM to never know that the condition existed. However, the AVM can rupture and cause serious symptoms and complications.

When an AVM ruptures, symptoms like severe headaches, nausea, vomiting, pulsing in the head, seizures, fainting, speech problems, trouble understanding information and weakness or numbness in the hands and feet can occur. Depending on the location of the AVM, complications including stroke, permanent brain damage, paralysis and loss of memory can occur.

Getting Disability for Arteriovenous Malformation

The complications occurring after an AVM ruptures may make it impossible for a sufferer to work. In order to qualify for SSDI benefits, a disabled individual must prove that the symptoms and complications of a disability are severe enough to make working impossible.

AVM is not a condition that is listed by the Social Security Administration (SSA), but the complications of an AVM rupture can still qualify a person for benefits. For example, complications of a stroke suffered as a result of an AVM rupture will qualify a person if the individual is not expected to recover enough to be able to complete work tasks. Seizures are listed by the SSA.

The most important part of applying for SSDI benefits is providing medical evidence of the disability. People who suffer from the complications of an AVM rupture should collect medical records related to the severity and frequency of these complications to increase their chances of being approved.

Getting Help from an Attorney

Applying for SSDI benefits is a long process that can be confusing and frustrating. Denials are common, and many people who truly need SSDI benefits are denied due to errors on the application or a failure to provide adequate evidence of disability. The best way to improve chances of being approved for benefits and make the process more bearable is to consult with an experience SSDI attorney. Schedule a consultation to get started.