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Ruptured Discs

Ruptured discs in the back can occur after an injury, but the most common reason for a ruptured disc is the natural wear caused by aging. Some people suffer from a condition known as degenerative disc disease, and it is possible for this disease to cause discs in the back to rupture.

Can You Get SSDI For a Ruptured Disc?

One of the problems with applying for SSDI benefits for a ruptured disc is the fact that a disability must last a minimum of 12 months in order for a person to be approved for benefits. Complications related to ruptured discs generally do not last more than a year, but it is possible for some people to suffer from severe complications that are persistent in nature.

Ruptured discs may heal on their own, but some people need to have surgery to correct the problem. However, even people who need surgery to fix the damage done by ruptured discs rarely suffer from a disability for more than a few months.

People who experience complications related to a ruptured disc for more than a year are not automatically qualified for SSDI benefits. These individuals will still need to prove that their condition is severe enough to make it impossible for them to work. Medical records kept by a licensed medical professional can help determine whether limitations related to a ruptured disc keep a person from working.

People who cannot work in their current position because of a ruptured disc may be found to be ineligible for SSDI benefits if they could reasonably work in a different position. The Social Security Administration (SSA) determine whether an applicant is qualified for less physical positions in a workplace that could accommodate the applicant’s disability.

Official Impairment Listings

Some people are eligible for SSDI benefits because they have another condition that is recognized by the SSA as a disability in addition to a ruptured disc. For example, the narrowing of the spine, a condition that is known as stenosis, is a listed disability. Nerve root compression, a condition that results when ruptured discs put pressure on nerves found in the spine, and arachnoiditis are also listed disabilities.

Nerve root compression only qualifies a person for SSDI benefits if their range of motion is severely limited by this condition. Medical records that detail the limitations caused by conditions related to ruptured discs will need to be provided to the SSA in order for a person to be considered eligible for SSDI benefits.

Getting Help With Applying

Applying for SSDI benefits is a time-consuming, stressful process. Conditions that do not necessarily make a person eligible for benefits make a process that is already confusing even more complicated. The good news is that there are legal professionals available who focus their time on SSDI cases. These attorneys are knowledgeable about how the application process works and have made themselves familiar with which conditions are listed by the SSA. Anyone who is applying for SSDI benefits because they can no longer work due to a ruptured disc should contact an SSDI lawyer for assistance with the application process. I have ten years of experience in social security cases and appeals, and am ready to fight for your benefits. Contact me today to get started on your case.