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Idiopathic Inflammatory Myopathy

Living with a disability often leads to a loss of quality life, and this problem can be exasperated when the symptoms and complications of a disabling condition make it impossible for a person to work. When a disabled person was the main income earner in the household in the past, basic necessities may no longer be affordable. Struggling to make ends meet while dealing with the physical and emotional complications of living with a disability can be devastating. Fortunately, there is a program available to help disabled individuals who worked in the past.

Social security disability insurance (SSDI) is an insurance program that is managed by the federal government. The Social Security Administration (SSA) is tasked with reviewing applications and determining whether applicants are eligible for disability payments. Money available through SSDI is funded through paycheck deductions, and paying into the program is an eligibility requirement. SSDI is an earned benefit, so people who are disabled and unable to work for at least one year should not hesitate to apply for much-needed benefits.

What is Idiopathic Inflammatory Myopathy?

Idiopathic inflammatory myopathy is a term that refers to diseases that result in inflammation in the muscles. The conditions are chronic in nature, and people who suffer from one of these conditions will eventually find it difficult to stand or walk for long periods of time due to weakness in the muscles.

Symptoms and complications vary according to the type of idiopathic inflammatory myopathy. Polymyositis specifically affects skeletal muscles and is most common in adults. Muscle weakness is a complication of this condition, and range of motion may be severely limited. Arthritis can also develop, and sufferers may find that they have difficulty breathing when polymyositis affects the lungs.

Dermatomyositis causes simultaneous rashes and muscle weakness. Eyesight may be affected, and many people who suffer from this condition experience weight loss. Tumors may develop as the condition worsens.

Inclusion body myositis causes permanent weakness in the muscles that results when the disease forms holes in the muscles. The muscle weakness in those who have inclusion body myositis is so severe that a person who has this condition may not be able to perform simple tasks like holding a cup or buttoning a shirt.

Symptoms may be managed with medication and physical therapy. However, complications often cause permanent damage that leads to disability.

Getting Disability for Idiopathic Inflammatory Myopathy

The Social Security Administration (SSA) determines whether a person is eligible for benefits based on whether the symptoms and complications of their condition make it impossible for them to complete job tasks. In the case of idiopathic inflammatory myopathy, the determination is typically based on loss of range of motion and severity of muscle weakness.

The most important part of proving that a disability exists is presenting evidence in the form of medical records. These records must be thorough and include test results, complaints of symptoms and date of diagnosis. It is essential for these records to be compiled by a licensed medical provider, and applicants should regularly schedule appointments to ensure that a complete record of the nature and severity of their disability can be sent to the SSA.

Getting Help from an Attorney

Applying for SSDI benefits is a complicated process, and many disabled individuals who are already dealing with the heartache of being diagnosed with a disability become frustrated when they cannot get the benefits they need to make ends meet. Experienced SSDI lawyers are able to help. These skilled legal professionals have the knowledge needed to guide clients through the application process. Instead of going it alone, schedule an appointment with an SSDI attorney. I have ten years of experience in social security cases and appeals, and am ready to fight for your benefits. Contact me today to get started on your case.