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Mal de Debarquement Syndrome

People who suffer from a long-term disability are often unable to work due to side effects and complications of the disorder. These individuals may feel helpless and frustrated with their inability to support themselves financially. People who have worked in the past have the option to apply for social security disability insurance (SSDI) benefits.

SSDI benefits are funded through paycheck deductions throughout a person’s working life. Since everyone who works pays into SSDI, applying for benefits when suffering from a disability is different than applying for other types of assistance. The applicant has essentially paid for the opportunity to receive financial support after being diagnosed with a disability that is expected to last for a minimum of 12 months.

What is Mal de Debarquement Syndrome?

Mal de Debarquement Syndrome is a disorder that can develop after a person spends time on a ship. The most prevalent symptom of the condition is constant motion sickness or nausea. Other common symptoms include fatigue, confusion, memory problems and a decrease in cognitive function. People who suffer from Mal de Debarquement Syndrome may feel like they are always in motion, and the reason for the development of this condition is still a mystery to medical professionals. Some people develop the condition after riding in a car or flying on an airplane, and it does not need to take a long time for the condition to develop.

Researchers believe that the condition may be neurological, but there is no evidence to back up this belief. While medication can be used to treat individual symptoms in order to improve quality of life for sufferers, there is no known cure. Some sufferers experience only a lessening of the severity of their symptoms when taking medications prescribed by a medical professional.

Can You Get SSDI for Mal de Debarquement Syndrome?

SSDI benefits are intended to help people who have a debilitating condition that makes it impossible for them to work in any position for which they are qualified. Since people with Mal de Debarquement Syndrome may suffer from chronic nausea, motion sickness and fatigue, it may be possible to qualify for benefits when suffering from this condition.

The challenge that sufferers face is proving that their symptoms make it impossible for them to work. The first step in overcoming this challenge is seeking medical attention. A diagnosis is required in order to apply for benefits, and a thorough overview of the symptoms and treatment methods that an applicant has tried should be included in the application.

It is important for sufferers to consistently see a medical professional to ensure that a pattern is established in relation to symptoms. An ongoing record of symptoms will demonstrate that the individual is unable to handle any sustainable employment option. Including the treatment options that have been prescribed shows that the individual has not been able to improve significantly enough to make employment an option.

Getting Help From an Attorney

Applying for SSDI benefits can be a long and confusing process. It can take six months or more to hear back from the Social Security Administration (SSA), and most people are rejected after the first application. Hiring an experienced SSDI attorney alleviates much of the stress associated with navigating through the application process. These professionals are knowledgeable about the process and can help applicants gather the medical records and other documents that are needed to provide supporting evidence for the application. Knowing that a person’s financial well-being rests on the decision made by the SSA can be stressful, and SSDI attorneys are tasked with taking some of the weight off of the shoulders of their clients.